Get Involved
If you wish to get involved and hear about future events, becoming a member is the best way forward.
To become a member please complete the form below, and you will be automatically enrolled onto our membership list. You can opt out at any time.
Alternatively, simply send an e-mail to – we look forward to hearing from you.
Why should I join Cycle Knutsford?
The bigger our community group, the more influential we will be in making Knutsford a better place for cycling.
Examples of the work that Cycle Knutsford has done:
Lessons from Learning to Ride, to Confidence Building
We have taught numerous people, with a variety of abilities enabling them to get riding independently. Become a member, and book a free session!
Communicating with House Builders & The Neighbourhood Plan
We have communicated with house builders to ensure they implement cycle infrastructure. In addition we have worked hard to ensure that cycling is considered in the neighbourhood plan.
“All new developments will be required to demonstrate how it will seek to support cycling within the town for all ages and abilities.” Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan Page 92
Creating Cycle Routes & Maps
We’ve made a map of different cycle routes around Knutsford in collaboration with the town council, for example The Revolution. You can find all our recommended routes on this page.
Crowd Funding for Community Projects
We successfully crowdfunded to raise over £3000 to install a bike rack on Malt Street!
Working with the Town Council
Another example is working with the town council to implement cycle route signs, e.g. this sign on the moor:
Encouraging Safe Cycling
Cycle Knutsford wants to help encourage safe cycling for young people in Knutsford, so we hosted a scout workshop and some bike training. In addition 100s of cubs have cycled The Revolution!
… And much more!
This list does not cover everything we have done, but hopefully gives you a taste of what we’re about! We look forward to hearing from you!